Blue Mountains

Perfect for adventure lovers, the Blue Mountains is an enchanting region scattered with hiking and biking trails, picturesque waterfalls, and coffee plantations. Named after the blueish fog that settles around its peaks, the 45-kilometer-long mountain range is the longest in Jamaica, and one of the longest in the Caribbean. The highest peak – the goal for the most adventurous – offers a view as far as Cuba on a good day.

Dirt tracks snake their way up the mountain slopes and are accessible by foot, bike, and four-wheel-drive vehicles. On your way up, you’ll pass a series of authentic mountain villages and farmlands, as well as over 500 different species of flowering plants and trees.

As the Blue Mountains were a refuge for the Taino slaves and Maroons who escaped Spanish captivity back in the 1600s and built their homes in the mountains, there are many rural communities you can visit today. Other activities include bird watching and coffee tours – the famous Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is incredible

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