
The largest city and also the capital region of Columbia, Bogota is known for its excitement and vibrancy deep rooted in its sophisticated streets. The cosmopolitan capital has a population of about eight million people and is located at a great altitude of 2640metres amidst the Andean Peaks.

The massive city of Bogota once plagued by insecurity and despair, is now considered to be one of the best attractions in the country. Take a stroll through the cultural centre of La Candelaria and experience the richness and extravagance of the metropolitan heart of Columbia. With magnificent landmarks and dazzling landscapes, the city also offers thousands of excellent dining options, restaurants, hotels and wine bars. Everyday here looks like a celebration in itself spreading joy and happiness all over the country. The sprawling streets with the daily hustle and bustle of shopping centres, market areas and eateries makes the city absolutely attractive. The city which once used to be unsafe, now has full police force employed in every nook and corner of the country making people stay here all the more.

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